Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Regulação de tensão por bancos de capacitores aplicados em um sistema de microgeração que utiliza gerador de indução autoexcitado
Ramos, Caison Rodrigues
The growth in the demand for electric energy caused the need for the rational use of energy and the increase of the Brazilian energy plant. Consequently, the small electrical uses are highlighted because they are smaller enterprises, and of reduced environmental impact. In these studies studies demonstrate advantages of the self excited induction
generator (SEIG) compared to the synchronous one, due to its self protection, lower cost and robustness. However, in plants where SEIGs act in isolation, there is a need for voltage regulation to provide electric energy with acceptable levels. Thus, the objective of this project is to present a study of existing topologies in the literature in systems that use SEIGs to regulate the generated voltage. The regulation occurs through the control of the reactive power of the plant and among the several topologies, the one based on switchable capacitors bank connected in parallel to the system presents low switching losses and does not inject high frequency components in the line, however does not provide a regulation need.