Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Estudo sobre a relação de equivalência entre as definições dos termos utilizados na Norma Brasileira de Descrição Arquivística e sua dimensão aplicada
Carlini, Larissa Pereira
The aims to establish a comparative analysis between the terms used in the Brazilian Standard of Archival Description – NOBRADE – and the terms used in the Describing Archives: a Content Standard – DACS. The initial approaches show some contextualizations regarding the archival description in Brazil and in the United States. It also includes some definitions about Terminology, presenting the theoretical evolution of the area and questions pertinent to the equivalence between terms of a technical or scientific area in different languages. The research, regarding the purpose, is configured as a basic research of the descriptive type; as for the data source, documentary sources are used, these being the norms of description previously mentioned; in terms of nature, it is configured as a qualitative research of transverse temporality, the field of application being the field research; it can also be characterized as an exploratory study, given the scarcity of research concerning the theme.The data gathering was done with the help of a terminology card, the terms being stored in database software. The comparative analysis was made under the precepts established by the Communicative Theory of Terminology, using as method the representations of equivalence proposed by Felber (1987). As a result, the comparative analysis captured the possibility of establishing a partial equivalence between the terms present in the Brazilian and North American norms. The contribution of this research to the scientific community is to provide archivists and translators with a tool that contributes, even experimentally, to their craft, given the increasing internationalization of scientific areas.