dc.contributorFreitas, Clailton Ataídes de
dc.contributorMontoya, Marco Antonio
dc.contributorHoeckel, Paulo Henrique de Oliveira
dc.creatorAlmeida, Mariza de
dc.description.abstractThe main goal of the present research is to identify the technological situation among milk producers’ diversities of the Corede Produção/RS region. For that, multivariate statistics are used, more specifically, exploratory factorial analysis to summarize the number of variables, analysis of clusters to group milk producers according to their similarities and discriminant analysis to identify the influence of technological factors on the differentiation of the types of producers. The data are primary and come from the Diagnosis of milk production in Corede Produção carried out in the year 2013 in one hundred and ninety-four properties. The variables used are related to the socioeconomic, administrative, structural, technical and management characteristics of milk producers. The main results show that eight factors were defined: production scales and factors, experience in activity, technical assistance to the producer, financial support and technical aspects, family labor, training producer, characteristic production structure and nutrition. According to the cluster analysis, milk producers were grouped into three groups, Group A with 33 milk producers, Group B with 89 and Group C with 72. Groups A and C stand out in the adoption of technology to increase production and Group B, with very low characteristics when compared to the other two groups, presents less technology adoption. A discriminant analysis allowed to verify that the classification of milk producers in three groups obtained a good hit and, corroborating to understand the technological standard of groups producers, the technological variables that presented higher coefficients in Function 1 (number of working children in milk production; the wife performs some work in the production; and the dairy cattle total area), are the ones that presented greater capacity to distinguish Group A from the other groups, as well as, in Function 2, variables that presented higher coefficients (concentrate use, milk cooling, lactation type), are those that can better discriminate the producers of Group B in relation to those of Group C.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Economia e Desenvolvimento
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectProdutores de leite
dc.subjectAnálise multivariada
dc.subjectMilk producers
dc.subjectMultivariate analysis
dc.titleAnálise da atividade leiteira no Corede produção/RS a partir da perspectiva tecnológica: uma análise multivariada

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