Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
O Sul constrói teoria: contribuições brasileiras em relações internacionais no século XXI
Decol, Jocieli
This research deals with the process of knowledge construction in International Relations. It is directed to the analysis of the construction of Latin America International Relations Theory, and more specifically in Brazil in the 21st century. The main objective is to understand what is being constructed of IRT in the country through the analysis of doctoral theses elaborated in the area, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). During the study, it is evaluated (1) the structures of the discipline of IR that constrain the rise of different theories of the mainstream in the discipline; (2) the contributions of Post-Colonialism to the construction of a more pluralistic discipline; (3) the relations of power and knowledge between North and South, which constitute a Center and a Periphery in the academic sphere; (4) the main theoretical formulations of IR in Latin America; (5) what is the relationship of Brazil with IRT and the characteristics of IRT built in the country. The previous conclusions are that most Brazilian theorizations are dedicated to the construction or redefinition of concepts and/or the creation of analysis models. The main themes addressed by these are: International Economics, International Security and Foreign Policy and the level of analysis preponderant is that of the unit.