Sacarose como plataforma para cultivos heterotróficos microalgais
Siqueira, Stefania Fortes
Microalgae present the capacity to obtain energy from consuming organic substrates
in the absence of luminosity. The heterotrophic cultivation supported by an exogenous
source of Carbon is an important form of metabolites production of commercial interest
and the choice of low-cost inputs to the formulation of culture mediums is of great
importance to the global economic of biotechnological processes since it represents a
significant percentual on the final cost of the product. In this sense, the aims of this
work were: (I) formulate a culture medium synthetic based on different concentrations
of sucrose for the use in heterotrophic cultivation, (II) evaluate the kinetic of sucrose
consume and the biomass production, (III) determine the qualitative profile of the lipid
fraction, (IV) characterize the bioproducts of intracellular nature, (V) determine the
analysis of the water cycle of the process (energy balance, CO2 emissions, and water
balance). The results obtained demonstrated that the microalgae Phormidium
autumnale had its best performance in the process in the relation C/N de 40, reaching
an oil productivities of 18.9 mg/L/h. On the best condition, the results showed that the
biodiesel production of microalgae has a positive energy production (50.59 MJ)
associated with a low water consumption (28.38 m3/ kg) e low CO2 emissions (9.18 kg
CO2-eq). The composition of this oil was predominately saturated (45.20%),
monounsaturated (34.70%) and polyunsaturated (19.90%), resulting in quality
characteristics of biodiesel adequate on the national (ANP 255) and international
norms (ASTM 6751 e EN 14214).