Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Análise das políticas públicas de turismo paleontológico no município de Santa Maria - RS
Lorenci, Carmen Terezinha Barcellos
This paper aims to identify and analyze the municipal public policies of the paleontological tourism in the municipality of Santa Maria - RS and their contribution to local development. The qualitative research was based on primary and secondary data. The primary data collection was accomplished through open interviews applied in November 2015 to five (5) public officials of the Secretariat of the Municipality of tourism, in terms of direction and strategic. He attempted to interpret the vision and understanding of managers on public policies adopted for the paleontological tourism in the county. Secondary data supported in the tourism literature, public policy, paleontology, and documents such as the Municipal Tourism Plan, as well as magazines and newspaper reports. In this context, an analysis of the content with the support of the interviews and the theoretical framework of the research was conducted. The results showed that the municipal policy paleontological tourism is being implemented, one of the shares to institutional formatting a Paleontological map, a differential for the state. Managers recognize that there is a lack of financial and human resources, and link education in schools to strengthen this segment in the city and region. We conclude it is essential to continue this policy to expand the training and qualification sector and strengthen partnerships with Higher Education Institutions to enter the paleontological education in municipal schools. This attitude could change the scenario of the current tourism and reflect a community more aware of the value of their paleontological heritage as a scientific resource, culture and tourism.