Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Mulheres encarceradas e a educação em estabelecimentos prisionais no Brasil: reeducandas ou esquecidas?
2020-07-06Registro en:
GUERRA, A. V. S. Mulheres encarceradas e a Educação em estabelecimentos prisionais no Brasil: reeducandas ou esquecidas? 2020. 63 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Licenciatura em Ciências Sociais)- Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2020.
Guerra, Anna Victória Silva
Considering that brazilian legislation provides that the objective of incarceration is to re-educate and reintegrate into society people in situations of deprivation of liberty, this paper analyzes the National Policy of Attention to Women in Situation of Deprivation of Liberty and egresses from the Prison System and the Law of Penal Execution with regard to the right of access to education of women who are incarcerated in Brazil. In view of the enormous growth rate of the female prison population in Brazil and in the world, it is urgent that we look at this part of society, because the invisibility of the prison system aims to erase this socially problem. To enable an analysis, reports from the National Survey of Prison Information were used with exclusive data on schooling and access to education, of women in prison facilities, compared to the law. It is clear that the State does not fulfill the described objective, contrariwise, it only tends to increase social inequality and the marginalization of detainees, which leads us to rethink the real functions of incarceration and solutions to it.