Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
O fenômeno do Astroturfing segundo líderes de opinião das relações públicas brasileiras
2021-08-17Registration in:
GIOVANELLI, Leticia de Oliveira. O fenômeno do Astroturfing segundo líderes de opinião das Relações Públicas brasileiras. 2021. 88 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Relações Públicas) – Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen, RS, 2021.
Giovanelli, Leticia
This paper addresses the perception of Public Relations professionals in Brazil regarding the Astroturfing phenomenon, for this reason, a qualitative approach was proposed through exploratory research. The relational perspective in this research is relevant to think through in this exploratory research, since it makes it possible to better understand the reality of Astroturfing in Brazil, more specifically, in the field of Public Relations. Understanding the perception of PR professionals about Astroturfing can contribute to more critical debates in the field of Public Relations. Furthermore, it promotes, in this perspective, more reflections about the practice of Astroturfing in Brazil, bringing about greater visibility about the phenomenon. Because we understand that, within the organizational scenario, there are practices disguised as Public Relations. Assuming the objective of simulating publics, as a movement of manifestation of public opinion, which can interfere in certain decisions or conceptions, whether of the public power or of organizations. Thus, the general objective of this research is to know the perception of opinion leaders in the area of Public Relations in Brazil about the phenomenon of Astroturfing. For the development of this purpose, the specific objectives are: a) study the field of Public Relations and Astroturfing; b) indicate Public Relations sub-areas possibly impacted by the phenomenon; c) identify opinion leaders in the field of Public Relations in Brazil; and d) investigate opinion leaders perception of Astroturfing. Two movements will be made for the methodological path, the first consists in identifying opinion leaders in Public Relations in Brazil (MOTA et al., 2016) and the second in the application of semi-structured interviews. We conclude that the Public Relations profession is a very important activity for good organizational communication. Therefore, the need to deal with the phenomenon of Astroturfing in Public Relations is visible, aiming to better understand the potential that the PR process has in the formation of publics.