Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Perfil dos idosos com fratura de fêmur internados em um hospital universitário
Marconato, Tialhes Farias
The aim of this study was to analyze the profile and risk of in-hospital death and after 30 days of discharge of elderly people who came into contact with the femur from September 2015 to July 2016. This is a cohort study from the quantitative, longitudinal and prospective type. To compose a sample, we analyzed people aged 60 years or older, with a diagnosis of femur fracture as a reason for hospitalization, both sexes and who were entering the emergency department of the hospital from September 2015 to July. As for the analysis of statistics, whether the diagnosis of femur fracture had a statistical difference between the groups analyzed regarding sex, age and death risk ISAR score. There was no association between femur fracture and in-hospital death and up to 30 days after discharge; however, the elderly diagnosed with femur fracture were associated with the development of in-hospital complications and hospital immobility. It was concluded in a sample of patient with femur fracture, greater association between women and men, between 80 and 89 years and using association with development of in-hospital complications and a hospital immobility. It was not possible to associate a femur fracture with risk of in-hospital death and after 30 days.