Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Dramaturgias autobiográficas em movimento
Giacomini, Mariana Sortica
This work presents an investigation proposal about scenic creation processes
from autobiographical dramaturgies produced by Mariana Giacomini, in three
moments: adaptations for audiovisual language developed by the artist herself in short
scenes for the graduation’s complementary discipline Teatro na Tela; virtual scenic
event Meu Pequeno Mundo Obsceno, developed in a research process, guided by
Rodolfo Amorim and Clayton Mariano, offered by Grupo XIX de Teatro for artists from
different locations; and adaptations to the audiovisual language developed by seven
artists invited by the author in short scenes. Another development of the research
carried out with the Núcleo de Dramaturgia offered by Espaço do Ator, under the
guidance of Diego Ferreira, is also presented. In addition, aspects of the theater of the
real, the diversity of artistic proposals that are inscribed on this description with the
presentation of recent examples, and the tension that the concept establishes in
research in the theatrical area are addressed.