dc.contributorReis, Róbson Ramos dos
dc.contributorRodrigues, Fernando
dc.creatorTronco, Júlia Garcia
dc.description.abstractIn Being and Time, Martin Heidegger proposes a recapture of the question of the sense of being, with the aim of elaborating a fundamental ontology. Heidegger elaborates an existential analytic, starting from the entity that understands what is to be and understands the question of the sense of being: the human being. Designated as being-there (Dasein), the human being is the object of existential analytic, in which Heidegger presents and interprets the fundamental structures and modes of being-in-the-world, as well as the access of being-there to beings in general and the recognition of the being of several entities that appear in the world. The notion of disclousure of the world is presented by Heidegger in §§28-38 of Being and Time and designates the access of being-there to the world and to the ontological access to the being of entities. The disclousure of the world is articulated. The problem proposed by the present research analyzes an interpretive tension present in Being and Time regarding the articulation of the disclousure of the world. At first, the disclousure of the world is shown as articulated from levels of determination and sophistication of intentional comportments. In this sense, the articulation occurs in stratified levels, starting from practical, pre-thematic and pre- propositional comportments until culminating in more sophisticated levels with propositional and predicative structure. From §34 of Being and Time, there is a tension and a divergence between what has been exposed. This is when Heidegger interprets discourse (Rede) and language (Sprache), recognizing discourse as originary and fundamental to being-there. This statement seems to stand in the way of what had been presented, for it suggests that discourse and language are presupposed from the ground up in any intentional comportment of being- there. These two interpretations are referred to, respectively, as pragmatic interpretation and linguistic interpretation. The purpose of this dissertation is to reconstruct, analyze and evaluate these two conflicting interpretations regarding the articulation of the disclousure of the world in Being and Time. For purposes of evaluation, the structure of being-with is used as the object of study. The purpose of the evaluation is to analyze whether in this specific structure a linkage exists between the two interpretations or if there is a prevalence of any of them.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectMartin Heidegger
dc.subjectFenomenologia hermenêutica
dc.subjectAbertura de mundo
dc.subjectIntencionalidade social
dc.subjectHermeneutic phenomenology
dc.subjectDisclosure of world
dc.subjectSocial intentionality
dc.titleO problema da estrutura da abertura de mundo na elucidação da intencionalidade social em Ser e tempo

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