dc.contributorWeis, Grazielle Castagna Cezimbra
dc.creatorBackes, Natalí Taísa
dc.description.abstractNutritional labeling is an instrument used for consumers to know the nutrients present in food, helping them to make healthier food choices. The aim of this research was to analyze consumer preference and understanding of three different frontal nutrition labeling models. This is a descriptive, experimental and quali-quantitative study, with 339 over-age individuals of both sexes. The research was conducted through a semi structured questionnaire applied on Google Forms®, which contained questions about sociodemographic characteristics and questions that assessed consumer preference and understanding in relation to different frontal nutrition labels: Traffic Light Label, Guideline Daily Amount and the warning label recently approved in Brazil. The results of the study revealed that 59.9% of participants usually read nutrition labels, in relation to information and factors that influence the time of purchase, 82.3% of participants indicated the expiration date, 85.5% price and 69.9% flavor, while only 33.9% indicated the nutritional table. Regarding awareness of the warning label, only 21.5% of the participants were aware of the new frontal labeling model approved in Brazil. Although 60.2% of participants indicated a preference for the traffic light label, the warning label was the easiest to understand when the product was not considered healthy. Thus, through publicity campaigns carried out among the population, when the warning label goes into effect, it is believed that individuals have a better understanding of nutritional information and make healthier food choices.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherUFSM Palmeira das Missões
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectRotulagem nutricional
dc.subjectRotulagem nutricional frontal
dc.subjectComportamento dos consumidores
dc.subjectInformação nutricional
dc.titleAnálise da preferência e compreensão dos diferentes rótulos nutricionais por consumidores
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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