Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Educação sexual nas escolas na dimensäo da promoçäo da saúde: revisão narrativa
Dorneles, Aléxia Vitória Thomé
The purpose of this article is to reflect on sex education in schools in the dimension
of health promotion, and as specific objectives, to contextualize how the Ministry of
Health and Education approach the issue of sex education; identify which public
policies deal with Sexual Education and actions that have been developed in schools
related to this theme. It is a bibliographic study of the narrative type, in reference to
the academic and practical experiences in the classroom of a graduate in biological
sciences. It can be seen that to the same extent that there are programs and projects
developed by the federal and state governments, in which hundreds or thousands of
institutions are linked, there are still many gaps in their application and development.
It was evident that the government views this issue with importance, in which the
Ministry of Health has been developing proposals and partnerships with the Ministry
of Education. Although the strategies of the Ministry of Health and Education are well
developed theoretically, writing is not always effective in practice.