Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise de coincidência entre consumo e geração considerando a adesão a diferentes modalidades tarifárias associadas à geração distribuída para consumidores residenciais
Blank, Bruna
The typical Brazilian residential consumer load curve has a peak demand at the end of the day, requiring the electrical system to scale to the highest recorded load, even if it lasts for a few hours. This peak causes a greater flow of power to travel through the lines, resulting in higher system losses and overloads. To discourage consumption at the most critical times, tariff modalities are created that differentiate the cost of kilowatt hour consumed according to the time of day. This allows the residential consumer to shift his period of highest consumption, which coincides with the time when the cost of energy is highest, to a period in which the tariff is lower. This change in daily habits is a way to reduce energy bills, as well as the insertion of distributed generation, which favors both the residential consumer and the Brazilian electricity system. However, when considering a photovoltaic system, the highest generation time is not coincident with the peak consumption of the consumer unit. For this case, it is necessary to analyze the most viable tariff modality for the consumer, without having to totally change their routine, and offering the largest savings. Therefore, the PVsyst software is used for this work, in order to certify the non-coincidence between the curves and to generate a resulting curve that presents the difference between consumption and generation, so that the best tariff option that allows greater monthly savings can be defined considering the power compensation system. Finally, the objectives of this work were achieved, since it is possible to confirm through simulations the divergences between the curves analyzed and the calculations performed, considering different tariff modalities associated or not to distributed generation, which shows the most beneficial tariff for the residential consumer.