Redes neurais como alternativas ao Jacobiano na solução iterativa da cinemática inversa
Montenegro, Fabrício Julian Carini
The usage of robots has become a normal practice today thanks to large technological advances
in recent decades. The planning of robots’ movements in the environment is one of
the most important fundaments in the study of robotics. To complete tasks in the real world,
the joints of the robot must move in such a way that the end-effector reach a given goal
or follow a trajectory. The mapping from the movements made by the joints to positions in
space is the problem called forward kinematics, while the inverse problem is called inverse
kinematics. The inverse kinematics problem is generally very complex and many traditional
solutions focus only on robots of specific topologies. The iterative method based on the
Jacobian’s (pseudo)inverse matrix is a well-known, proven, and trusted generic approach
that can be applied to many manipulators. However, it depends on linearizations that are
valid only on a tight neighborhood around the current pose of the manipulator. This requires
the robot to move only in small steps, intensely recalculating its trajectory along the way,
making this approach inefficient in some applications. Neural networks, for their capacity of
modeling non-linear systems, appear as an interesting alternative to solving this problem.
Here, we show that neural networks indeed can be trained successfully to map displacements
in the task space to angle increments of the joints, outperforming the method based
in the Jacobian’s inverse when dealing with larger displacement increments and when near
singularities. We validate the study through comparative results in simulated planar manipulators
of 2-DOF and 3-DOF and it gives birth to a hybrid approach that has already been
succesfully applied in real robots.