Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise do planejamento e controle de produção com a aplicação da ferramenta Last Planner System na obra de um viaduto em Santa Maria-RS
Contini, Caroline
The application of planning tools in the construction industry allows companies to achieve productive growth and positively impact their stakeholders. The execution of a case study on the Planning System, and the use of the Last Planner System (LPS) allow to verify the positive and negative points of the methodology. In this present work, the goal is to understand what the literature review brings about the planning method and to analyze a regional company that uses it. This analysis was developed in a weekly follow-up using the Percent Plan Complete (PPC) indicator, which allows to plan and control the tasks to be performed daily, and also, to find the reasons why planned work is not done. Over a six-month period, the research development of medium-term “lookahead” planning and short-term planning, to understand replanning needs in the presence of execution constraints