Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
O trabalho em rede numa instituição de terceiro setor – Recanto do Sol
2019-12-11Registro en:
CÔRTES, L. L. O trabalho em rede numa instituição de terceiro setor – Recanto do Sol. 2019. 42 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2019.
Côrtes, Liliane Luz
The present work is the result of the experience having a intership in Social Service I and II, from Social Service College, at Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), in a third sector institution, the Family Reference Center Recanto do Sol (Sun Nook). It was developed in this institution an intervention project following the demands shown by the user population, in which was previewd three informative conversation rounds about diferent objects. The intervention project has been going through changes in its structure and so, have been done two conversation rounds with tutelary council and infant CAPS as main themes. The main objective was to bring informations to the users through the conversation rounds. The expected results were positive, because the users are able to recognize their demands and where to forward them. It's shown a brief historical comeback of social assistance in Brazil, from the beginning of assistance marked by Catholical Church's presence until the Federal Constitution of 1988, in which the Social Assistance, as public politc, begin to be a State's obligation and a citizens' right. The work also approaches the Third Sector, that emerges through the demands of social questions, in which the State can't stand. In this way, the Third Sector had its peak under the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, with the neoliberal politcs that was been established in the country, with fewer intervention of State.