Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Sistema para indicação de faltas na rede de distribuição de energia elétrica através do monitoramento de chaves fusíveis utilizando rede de comunicação LoRaWAN
Reck, Flávio Garlet
This work presents a solution for the lack of information verified by power distribution companies regarding the location of faults that occurred in its distribution system. By the monitoring of cutout fuses, it is possible to send data the moment that the equipment is opened
as a result of a fault. To achieve this solution, a Low Power Wide Area Network is used. The
LoRaWAN protocol makes possible to achieve long-range communication, which is essential to the operation in a power distribution network of a city. With this solution, it is possible
to obtain a low-cost solution, with a long-range operation and trustworthiness. A supervisory system is developed, so that the maintenance team can have access to the location
of an opened cutout fuse, because of a fault in the moment that the fault occurs, providing
speed to dispatch maintenance teams, reducing the operation time, and consequently, the
possibility of fines because of low quality indexes.