Organização e desenvolvimento da coordenação pedagógica para o acompanhamento do trabalho dos professores
Santos, Flávio Cezar dos
This research aimed to understand the organization of the work of the pedagogical coordination for the accompaniment of the teachers' work in a school of basic education of the Municipal Network of Education. The investigation is part of the Postgraduate Program in Public Policy and Educational Management, of the Federal University of Santa Maria. As a contextualization of the research field, we introduced a theoretical study about the education as a humanizing and transforming practice of the subject; the school, its organization and possible transformations and; the school management as part of the teaching activity. Subsequently, we dedicated to understanding some of the elements that determine the management of pedagogical work. These are: educational public policies; the practice of pedagogical coordination; the pedagogical political project and; the work of teachers. Our research problem was to know: What demands arise from the conditions, difficulties and challenges of the teachers' work for the pedagogical coordination to organize and develop his work? To respond to this problem, the sources for information collection were 3 pedagogical coordinators, 7 teachers and the pedagogical reunions. We used the interview and observation instruments as a procedure for collecting information for, finally, the information’s analysis, based on Lankshear and Knobel (2008), Santos (2007) and Charmaz (2009). As a result, we showed that the relationships established between pedagogical coordination and teachers were reduced to a few moments, in which the coordinator's actions were limited to a superficial support, without finding spaces and times for an articulated and collective work that would elaborate and create strategies related to teaching. We also found that there was no definition of the role of the pedagogical coordinator and his attributions were not clear in the school community. Moreover, we noticed that the working actions of the teachers differed between those who work the day shift and those who work the night shift, in the same way were the working actions of the coordinators, regarding the planning of school activities, the characteristics of the pedagogical reunions, the way of elaboration of projects, etc. Our final considerations are that the coordinators carried out their work in isolation due to the lack of articulation between the shifts of the school, which made the work of the coordination independent, with prejudices for the development of pedagogical activities consistent with the school. There was also misunderstanding about the real role of this professional, submitted to prescriptions that led him to conduct bureaucratic and technical activities, moving him away from the actions related to pedagogical work. Therefore, we proposed an action plan for the organization and management of the work of pedagogical coordination as a product of this research, which rethinks in the organization and work and provides a collaborative and coherent work among the professionals of the school.