dc.contributorKocourek, Sheila
dc.contributorBattistella, Luciana Flores
dc.contributorCosta, Vívian Flores
dc.creatorFarencena, Gisela Sartori
dc.description.abstractSexual harassment in the workplace is a reality that affects many organizations. In many institutions, this kind of violence against women occurs especially when there are power and hierarchy relationships involved, and it is directly linked to cultural issues, such as machismo and patriarchy, which end up collaborating in cases of violence, very partly linked to gender discrimination. In view of the occurrence of this form of violenc in the most different places, it was decided to carry out this study which aims to propose actions that act in the prevention of sexual harassment, as well as qualify the attention to the victims of this type of violence in the workplace of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). For this, a case study was carried out, of a quantitative and descriptive nature. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, data were collected through a questionnaire based on the Sexual Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ-DoD), by Fitzgerald et al. (1999), whose data were analyzed statistically. As a result, it was noticed that the majority of the servers never experienced the situations presented in the questionnaire. Despite this low rate, there are cases of sexual harassment occurring against both women and men, but was identified that women are the biggest victims of this form of violence. As a product developed from the results, a smartphone application is proposed for use by the servers, aiming at information and exchange of experience among those who are victims of sexual harassment in labor relations.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherAdministração Pública
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Organizações Públicas
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectAssédio sexual
dc.subjectViolência contra as mulheres
dc.subjectUniversidade pública
dc.subjectSexual harassment
dc.subjectViolence against women
dc.subjectPublic university
dc.title“Tire seus olhos de cima de mim!”: um estudo sobre o assédio sexual entre servidores de uma universidade pública

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