dc.contributorSantos, Joaquim Cesar Pizzutti dos
dc.contributorSantos, Ísis Portolan dos
dc.contributorCunha, Eduardo Grala da
dc.creatorFerreira, Charles de Almeida
dc.description.abstractThe buildings destined to the education lack projects that consider the thermal comfort of its users without high consumption of energy. This dissetation analyzes the effectiveness of natural air conditioning strategies to improve the thermal comfort index of a classroom building. They are: cross ventilation, Earth tubes, solar chimneys, brises, light shelf, shading with vegetation, thermal inertia, thermal insulation, trombe wall and glass wall. The building is located in the bioclimatic zone 2, located at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, on the campus of Cachoeira do Sul. The analyzes were performed by means of computer simulation to the EnergyPlus program. The different techniques were simulated in individual and composite alternatives. First the thermal flows and the percentage of thermal comfort of the original design were measured. From this information the effectiveness of the insertion of different natural climatization strategies in the improvement of the thermal comfort conditions of the building under study was tested. The best level of thermal comfort was obtained with the following strategies: shading with vegetation on the east and west facades, white paint on opaque closures (decrease in absortance), increase in thermal inertia, shading with vegetation perpendicular to the north facade, cross ventilation and use of double glazing in classrooms, reaching a percentage of 88.58%. The lower heat discomfort resulted when shadowing vegetation on the east and west facades, white wall (decrease of the absortance), increased thermal inertia, vegetation shading perpendicuar the north facade, use of double glazing in classrooms with the technique of natural ventilation of the Earth tubes (flow 0.4251m³ / s), obtaining an index of 3.97%. It was concluded that the natural air conditioning strategies applied in classrooms in the studied region are effective for increasing the level of comfort thermal and that when added they have better results, justifying their use in projects with similar themes.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherEngenharia Civil
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil
dc.publisherCentro de Tecnologia
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectComportamento térmico
dc.subjectConforto térmico
dc.subjectClimatização natural
dc.subjectSimulação térmica
dc.subjectSalas de aula
dc.subjectThermal behavior
dc.subjectThermal comfort
dc.subjectNatural air conditioning
dc.subjectThermal simulation
dc.titleEficácia das técnicas de climatização natural em um prédio de salas de aula: estudo de caso campus UFSM – CS

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