dc.contributorPetermann, Juliana
dc.creatorSilva, Renata Ribeiro da
dc.identifierSILVA, R. R. A busca da criatividade: o espaço físico como potencializador. 2018. 99 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Publicidade e Propaganda) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThe present research intends to explore the relation of the creativity with the physical spaces of teaching. From this approach, we define as our research problem the following question: what are the factors of physical space that can influence the development of creativity and what are the students' perceptions of these factors that influence creativity? To understand this question, we have as general objective of the study the attempt to understand how the students of Advertising and Propaganda of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) perceive the physical space in relation to the structural factors, furniture, equipment, influence your creativity. As specific objectives, we seek to carry out a theoretical revision on the conceptualization of creativity and physical spaces, a stage in which we seek to understand the general scenario of creativity and its importance for the 21st century; the importance of physical spaces of teaching and their relationship with creativity and what factors present in the physical spaces of teaching can stimulate creativity; to investigate how this relation of creativity with physical spaces is established in the scenario of the course of Propaganda and Propaganda of the Federal University of Santa Maria, based on a consultation with the curriculum of the course and the perspective of the coordinator and the students. Advertising and Propaganda Course. For all this to be possible, the methodology adopted was a combination of collection techniques: exploratory and explanatory research, interview and questionnaire application. In addition, it was concluded that the physical spaces end up inhibiting the creativity of the Advertising and Propaganda students of UFSM .
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEspaço físico
dc.subject4PS da criatividade
dc.subjectFatores do espaço físico
dc.subjectPhysical space
dc.subject4PS of creativity
dc.subjectFactors of physical space
dc.titleA busca da criatividade: o espaço físico como potencializador
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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