Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise de influência dos parâmetros de soldagem a arco elétrico com atmosfera de proteção gasosa (GMAW) nas propriedades mecânicas e microestruturais do aço ASTM A36
Zientarski, Renan Rakoski
Metallic structures and constructions are widely used in civil construction and industrial plants. These can be constructed using bolted or welded joints. In welded structures, these being more common, usually presenting lower cost in comparison to screw joints, welding is not always performed by trained operators or even monitored in terms of the mechanical properties of the weld beads. It is known that changes in the regulation of the welding parameters can considerably affect the mechanical and microstructural properties of a weld bead. This work proposes to analyze the influence of the welding parameters such as the electric arc, with gas-protective atmosphere (GMAW), in the mechanical and microstructural properties of ASTM A36 steel., where the observed characteristics are microstructure and hardness of material. The observed characteristics are the microstructure and hardness of the material. For this, ASTM A36 steel specimens where be fabricated and later welded using different combinations of the main welding parameters, such as welding voltage, wire feed speed and welding speed. A bibliographic review was also be made with the basic concepts and works related to the theme. The result of this work is the quantitative definition of the influence of the GMAW welding parameters on the microhardness and microstructure of the material under study, allowing to define the optimal parameters to obtain the optimal range of operation.