Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Revisitando a intolerância religiosa no ambiente escolar
Porto, Jonson Patric Borge
Despite being characterized by the plurality of religious beliefs, Brazil has a great Christian predominance, a characteristic that may explain the high rates of records and complaints of religious intolerance. The school emerges as an important context for the development of an education aimed at valuing differences, individuals capable of recognizing and respecting the richness of this asymmetry, whether in appearance, in customs, in beliefs, in culture or any other. The study aimed to revisit religious intolerance in the school environment. Through bibliographic research, we seek to deepen the theme, reflecting the need for education for tolerance and acceptance of religious diversity and education for peace. Within this problem, we seek to know the forms of religious intolerance in the school environment, and we seek answers to the following problem situation: what research deals with religious intolerance in the school environment? It was concluded that discrimination or religious intolerance at school makes the student feel humiliated in front of his colleagues for the simple fact of cultivating a distinct religious tradition, or simply for not cultivating any religion. This violence has a direct impact on their learning process, and may even lead to dropping out of school. At the end of the study, it is understood that further research by the teachers is necessary in the causes involving Law No. 10.639/2003, which deals with the teaching of black culture, so that teachers become agents in compliance with the Law of National Education Guidelines and Bases in favor of affirmative multicultural actions, in which the school community is the biggest beneficiary in this process.