dc.contributorSauerwein, Inés Prieto Schmidt
dc.contributorZambon, Luciana Bagolin
dc.contributorNeide, Ítalo Gabriel
dc.creatorWollmann, Vanessa Aparecida
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this work is to show the performance of students participating in the OBF (Brazilian Physics Olympiad) in solving proposed challenges, based on the content of each question. Our research has as specific objectives: to categorize the nature of the OBF 2018 questions, regarding the central content (s) (conceptual, procedural andattitudinal); Investigate what difference in the nature of the questions proposed by the OBF affect the performance of the participating students; and Use an OBF to identify students' difficulties in solving problems that cover more than one content (conceptual, procedural andattitudinal). In order to contemplate the established objectives, go throught wo methodological steps: Analysis of content (concepts, procedures andattitudes) of the questions proposed in the third phase of OBF 2018; and Organization and systematization of test sand responses. We classify OBF issues as challenging for students, approaching the problem solving proposal, according to the Pozo (1998), for not dealing with exercises with numerical value applications directly, but for using the participants a series of steps for resolutionand, still, are activities that cover the content of the thre espheresin volved byZabala (1998). Our results point to the fact that there is no way to focus the investigated research, or the use of problems as challeng ingactivities in the classroom setting, and yet, an OBF has not been analyzed as an opportunity to a waken students who instigating issues are being promoted. In this perspective, analyzed as issues of the 2018 edition of the Olympic, as well as the performance of the participating students. We not iced that the students' performance was not satisfactory in the analyzed questions, with little variation if the conceptual content approached. One of the causes of this result may be precisely or not to encourage participation in the event. On the other hand, as mentioned, defend that participating in an Olympics can be one of the way stoobtain a greater interest in the sciences, including Physics, and, furthermore, this participation can contribute to the achievement of the skill san dabilities that documents as a list of the BNCC as necessary for the training of the basic education student.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherEducação em Ciências
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências: Química da Vida e Saúde
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectAtividades desafiadoras
dc.subjectDesempenho dos estudantes
dc.subjectStudent performance
dc.titleUm estudo sobre as olimpíadas brasileiras de física

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