Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A implementação do plano de cuidado compartilhado às condições crônicas: desafios e significados entre as equipes da atenção primária à saúde
Daroncho, Monica
This study aims to analyze how Primary Health Care teams mean the Shared Care Plan (PCC) in the Chronic Conditions Care Model (MACC). Thus, it aims to bring the experience, discuss and reflect on the challenges of health workers in Primary Health Care (PHC), institutional and matrix supporters around the implementation of the Shared Care Plan. It is a study of qualitative, participatory and interventional approach, developed with health teams that work in a Regional Health Coordination; in a Specialized Care Outpatient Clinic and in Primary Health Care. Data collection was carried out through a Focus Group in the workplaces and the data were analyzed according to content analysis. Results and discussions: The analysis of the data is presented and discussed, anchored in the formation of three units of meaning, which emerged from the analysis of the data of the investigation that marked the study: Signifying the Shared Care Plan; Challenges of Implementing the Shared Care Plan; Impacts of the Institutional and Matrix Support Function. Conclusion: This study prompted us to think about the strengthening of health care networks, the process of changing the model experienced in primary care, secondary care and health management, with emphasis, in the view of PHC professionals regarding the challenges that identify in this transformation movement. It identifies the importance of the process of exchanging information about the CCP, through matrix and institutional support, in order to find joint solutions. Aiming at improving care for chronic conditions today and strengthening the network, providing a focus on Primary Health Care and guaranteeing citizens' rights.