Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Flipop: uma análise de consumo da literatura YA no mercado editorial brasileiro
2019-12-03Registro en:
FERONATO, L. N. Flipop: Uma Análise de Consumo da Literatura YA no Mercado Editorial. 2019. 71 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Comunicação Social Produção Editorial) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2019.
Feronato, Lavínia Neres
This research aims to analyze the consumption of Young Adult literature in the Brazilian publishing market though the Festival de Literatura Pop (Flipop) that takes places in São Paulo. Thus, the monograph has a study on the origin of YA and the market impacts that it has within Brazilian youth culture in parallel with Flipop and its intentions. As a problem, you have the following question: How does Flipop meet the consumer needs of this particular reader? Therefore, in this project, theories of consumption by Néstor Garcia Canclini (2006), Lívia Barbosa and Colin Campbell (2007) are used taking into account the internet within this community of readers by Manuel Castells (2003); Henry Jenkins’ Convergence Culture (2009) and YA Literature Study by Aleen Nilsen and Kenneth Donelson (2009). In addition to the theoretical considerations, the methodology used is a participatory research during the literary festival and interview with the festival’s creator, also editor of Seguinte, Diana Passy. Therefore, through this investigation, it’s possible to conclude the relationships between consumers of YA literature in Flipop according to the connections already established in social media.