Produção de videotutoriais como apoio à gestão do portal de projetos SIE - web da UFSM
Menin, Lovaina Aparecida Batista Ribeiro
This dissertation was developed in the Graduate Program in Networked
Educational Technologies (PPGTER) of the Federal University of Santa Maria
(UFSM), in the Area of Concentration of Networked Educational Technologies for
Innovation and Democratization of Education, in the research line Management. of
Networked Educational Technologies. Its main objective was to produce instructional
material to facilitate the use of the Project Portal / SIE-Web, with a view to guiding
the workflow of teachers and administrative technicians of the Federal University of
Santa Maria making the system a more efficient management tool. Specifically, we
sought to: a) evaluate the Project Portal, as well as its current tutorial; b) map the
routines, processes and workflows that involve the management of the Portal; c)
identify weaknesses in relation to the various stages of use of the system and
propose improvements based on the data collected. This is a descriptive case study
with characteristics of documentary research and data analysis with a qualitative
approach. Participating observation, field diary, questionnaires and semi-structured
interviews were used as data collection instruments. The results of the study showed
that the Project Portal presents some usability issues when performing specific tasks
in its context of use, but it is a much better system than previously used and that like
any other system needs to be constantly improved so that follow the needs of the
institution and also the user. It was observed that the tutorial that accompanies the
Portal is an important tool, but some are unaware of it and others due to the large
number of pages do not have the habit of consulting it. It is believed that the video
tutorials produced will help the user to maintain their projects registered in the Portal,
as they were well received by the coordinators in the testing phase, which verified
performance (efficiency and effectiveness) in the resolution of issues. . In addition to
the benefits to users, it is expected that the developed tool will contribute to the
activities and routines of UFSM Project Offices.