Políticas públicas e ensino remoto na alfabetização: uma proposta de curadoria de conteúdos para o município de Santa Maria
Chaves, Jacira Fernandes
The present dissertation developed in the Postgraduate Program in Public
Policies and Educational Management (PPPG) - Professional Master's, at the
Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM-RS) had as main objective to analyze
the public policies of the municipal education network of Santa Maria /RS in times
of the COVID-19 pandemic, considering the pedagogical aspects of teaching
work during remote teaching, in classes of the 1st literacy cycle. It has also
sought to identify who the public policies of that period established basic
parameters to guarantee the teaching-learning processes, as well understanding
what pedagogical practices were implemented by teachers of the 1st cycle of
literacy during the COVID-19 pandemic and proposing a curator ship with
specific activities for literacy, having as an initial repository, those developed by
teachers from the city's municipal education system of the 1st cycle of literacy
during this pandemic period. It was an implied, documentary research, based on
a qualitative approach that used as a data collection instrument a questionnaire,
with objective and discursive questions, answered by teachers of the first literacy
cycle of the Municipal Education Network of Santa Maria, in addition to survey of
all relevant legislation that supports the study. The data was processed by
Discursive Textual Analysis, a theoretical framework based on authors who deal
with the theme. It was analyzed about three categories, namely: Subjects'
perception of public policies for the pandemic; Pedagogical aspects of teaching
during the pandemic and technological fluency of teachers. The conclusion is
that there is a need for greater investment in equipment and teacher training, so
that teaching and learning can take place effectively. The idealized product will
be the elaboration of a content curation (learning objects/database of alternative
practices) for the first literacy cycle that can be used in distance learning. In this
way, it is expected to contribute to qualifying teaching and learning in the first
literacy cycle of the Municipal Network of Santa Maria, considering the changes
imposed by the pandemic.