Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Projeto de um inversor monofásico de 2KVA com ênfase no aumento da densidade de potência
Posser, Gabriel
The pursuit of volume reduction and increased drive efficiency is a trend for future projects due to the advancement of technologies used in semiconductor power devices, mainly related to their speed and efficiency. Thus, during the development of the 2kVA single phase inverter, design properties such as topology, switching frequency and output filter design were tested and defined in order to increase the power density of the inverter. Thus, a multilevel inverter topology that uses coupled inductors to connect two full-bridges was chosen, making it capable of synthesizing five output voltage levels, and a switching frequency of 20kHz which in this topology showed four times higher in the output signal. As for the output filter design, the development of coupled inductors, according to the methodology applied in this work, eliminated the need for a filter inductor for the inverter output current. Thus, the inverter developed in this work has presented advantages in reducing passive filter elements, four times in relation to inductance and eight times in relation to capacitance, when compared to a full-bridge inverter topology that is currently widely used in inverters design.