Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Vermicompostagem: educando para uma possível solução na reciclagem de resíduos orgânicos
Pinto, Renata Soares
The objective of this work is environmentally educate the students of the ASEMA (Outdoor socio-educational attendance) through theory and practical workshops performing the organic matter recycling generated by the project and at 5 homes of students of 5° grade integrating the activities of ASEMA, Pão dos Pobres. This work also intend elaborate and disclose educational materials. It is classified as qualitative research using meetings (activities of environmental education at the institution) the viability of the project and the follow-up of the worm composters at the student homes, during the time of this work, as way of data recording and also the following-up of the worm composters at the project ASEMA institution. The results showed that the lack of culture in realize organic residues recycling caused difficulties to the students perform the recycling at their homes. The family of the number 2 home that succeeded and still produces fertilizer was the one who showed higher interest for the project since its beginning. The ASEMA worm composters produced typical worm compost at 100th day.This work achieved develop the activities of environmental education showing to the involved that it is possible to recycle organic residues even in small appliances, being through the reports broadcasted by RBS (local TV), seminars, lectures, workshops about the subject realized in 2014 and 2015 and the elaboration and disclose of educational materials that encouraged many people of Santa Maria to begin the worm composting. At the students homes the results showed that it is possible to obtain the worm compost through environmental education in at least one home.