Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Mulheres na publicidade: representações femininas em propagandas veiculadas na RBS TV de Santa Maria
2016-12-15Registro en:
EICH, P. I. P. Mulheres na publicidade: representações femininas em propagandas veiculadas na RBS TV de Santa Maria. 2016. 76 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Publicidade e Propaganda) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2016.
Eich, Priscilla Inês Pellenz
This study analyzes commercials transmitted on RBS TV Santa Maria, in order to understand how female representation is combined with identities present in advertising narratives. The analysis’s object corresponds to advertisings collected during nighttime programming and with the greater insertion’s price of the Santa Maria station, in which the female image is present. For the theoretical-methodological basis, this work uses Cultural Studies, seeing the culture as a form of communicational content and an influencer in social actions. The textual analysis will be the method used to understand these media products, with the aim of noting how culture contributes to the social representations of women in advertising. The analyzed cultural aspects showed the visible social tendencies in the advertising contents, noting the culture as a contribution to the social representations of the woman in the publicity.