Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise da relação entre a saúde financeira de curto prazo e indicadores econômico-financeiros no subsetor de tecidos, vestuário e calçados brasileiro de 2008 a 2015
Petter, José Guilherme do Nascimento
Michel, William Kelling
In order to be successful in their operations, investors use various methodologies to substantiate their opinion about the companies' financial health in order to reflect adequate security in their investments. Among these methodologies, the dynamic analysis of working capital proposed by the Fleuriet model is highlighted, as well as the analysis of economic and financial indicators through the quotients of the items in the financial statements. Based on these methodologies, the present research comes from the problematic given by the search for the existence of an association between the economic-financial indicators and the short-term financial health, with the purpose of verifying the ability of the classic balance sheet analysis indicators to explain the short-term financial situation proposed by the Fleuriet model in the brazilian textile, clothing and footwear subsector companies listed on BM&FBOVESPA during the years 2008 to 2015. This is a descriptive research, technically classified as documentary and bibliographical, with quantitative data analysis. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used as a statistical tool for the establishment of associations between variables. It was verified that all the economic-financial indicators utilized by the research have a positive relation with the short-term financial health, except for those of equity structure, where the index of relation between third-party capital and total liabilities showed a negative association, and the debt composition index did not present a significant correlation.