Um modelo discreto para interações planta-herbívoro-predador
Franco, Simone Munari
The population dispersion is an important process to be considered when we wish
analyze the interactions between populations. Taking into account the range and the
way in which the movement takes place makes the model more realistic. Therefore, we
propose to analyse a discrete model Plant-Herbivore-Predator, consisting essentially of
an herbivore population and a predator population of this insects on a platation, where
we consider multiple time scales for the movement and reaction of individuals. The
movement behavior of insects includes a movement oriented toward higher density plants
and a tendency to aggregate with their conspecifics. Moreover, the predator actively
searches for its prey. We observed, for this dynamic, dynamical heterogeneous spatial
pattern formation, and stable for higher scales. In ecology the identification of regular
structures allows the application of population dispersion models in real situations, such as the biological control of pests.