O processo de envelhecimento da pessoa com deficiência intelectual e sua família
Silva, Rosane Seeger da
The society we live in is aging; the number of elderly people has been growing in a speedy way in the
last few years. The aging process of people with intellectual disability is an incipient discussion, until
recently; these people did not reach this stage of life: they had low expectations. The increase in
longevity brings new challenges to families, to society in general and to the State. Therefore, this
research aimed to know the aging process of people with intellectual disability in a small city in the
countryside of Rio Grande do Sul and its implication in family quality of life. It’s a census survey
performed with a qualitative approach. Three individual questionnaires were applied: two specially
designed for this study, one directed to the person with intellectual disability and the other to the person’s
family member/caregiver, containing structured questions addressing social and demographic aspects:
gender, age, education, occupation, economical and cultural situation. And, also, the WHOQOL-Bref,
applied combined with the family/caregiver one. The study’s population was constituted by 85 people
with intellectual disability (77 living at home and eight institutionalized) and 75 family
members/caregivers (71 not formals and four formals). The data collected were charted, organized and
registered in Microsoft Office Excel 2013 program, presented in tables and charts using mean, standard
deviation, minimum value, maximum value and percentage, according to the human development
phases. For the data analysis, the software SPSS 20.0 was used to create the variables. The data
collection was done between April and September 2015. This present study was submitted to and
approved by the CEP/UFSM with the CAAE number of 41459315.8.0000.5346. It was verified in the
questionnaires application that most subjects live with people with whom they have some level of
kinship: 34,11% claim to live with their parents; 25,88% reside only with their mother; 10,58% lived with
brothers; 9,41% with other people; 7,05% resided in a long-term care facility for the elderly; 3,52% only
with the father, 2,35% with the grandparents; 1,17% with their children and 1,17% lived alone. It stands
out that 58,82% of the people researched are males and 41,18% are females, with ages varying from 1
year and four months to 74 years, with a mean age of 31,82. Relating to schooling, a low level of
education was verified, 15,29% not literate; 44,70% are illiterate and 40% didn’t finish elementary school
(5 years maximum of school enrollment). Most subjects, 97,64% receive clinical monitoring by several
medical specialists. The results related to family members/caregivers show that they’re mostly women
(82, 66%), with a mean age of 51, 56 years and with a low rate of schooling (5 years maximum of school
enrollment). Relating to the quality of life of the family members/caregivers it was verified that the highest
mean scores are, respectively, about the Social Domain (M=79,1; SD=10,6); followed by Physical
Domain (M=74,6; SD=14,6); the Psychological Domain (M=68,8; SD=12,5) and, finally, the
Environmental Domain (M=60,9; SD=11,3). It was noted that most people with intellectual disability are
males, predominantly in the age group of 20-40 years old, with few schooling years and residing with
family members that, by the way, show their quality of life preserved. The results of this research reveal,
on one side, not very favorable conditions relating to schooling and, on the other, favorable conditions
to broadened family and social living.