dc.description.abstract | This work intend to develop a methodology in which would be possible to model and analyze
in a integrated way transmission and distribution grids. Since there are plenty computational tools with different modes of operation, functionalities and applications, companies and
organizations can use various programs. With respect to the analyzes of energy transmission scope, the Programa de Análise de Redes (ANAREDE) could be use, while to the
context of energy distribution, it is possible to adopt the Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS). In order to engender grid integration Pyhton language was applied, so
that in only software, OpenDSS, the analyzes were performed. A Python routine was elaborate in which the cards from ANAREDE were converted and the data was stored in a
Python environment. Posteriorly another developed algorithm will generate a file that represents the conversion of the modeled grid of ANAREDE, which will be read by OpenDSS. It
were applied this process in two examples of Centro de Pesquisa de Energia Elétrica (CEPEL), finding satisfactory results of power flow comparing both programms. Finally, a real
transmission grid, Litoral Norte, were converted from ANAREDE to OpenDSS and were
connected with a feeder from Tramandaí distribution grid, modeled in OpenDSS. Thus, impacts of the distribution grid in the transmission grid were verified and reasonable values
with respect to the power flow were found, even with distinct scenarios. | |