Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A satisfação no trabalho dos servidores técnicos administrativos em educação da Universidade Federal do Pampa em relação ao plano de carreira (PCCTAE)
Vieira Junior, Herval de Souza
The present work had as objective to analyse the Federal University of Pampa administrative technician serves satisfaction in reference to career plan of the category. For that, it was made a relationship among satisfaction variables that contributes for the job satisfaction with carrer plan components. There is no agreement in the literature that defines job satisfaction, but starting from empiric works it was possible to identify some most cited variables in the works. Based on these variables, it was possible to make the relationship with the components of the carrer plan that ensures job satisfaction. The wage, benefits, autonomy, promotion and personal development were considered as the satisfaction job implements contained in the career plan. Based on the Survey type applied research with UNIPAMPA technicians, it was possible to verify that the servers are more satisfied with the incentive to qualifications, progression by professional merit, the distances for the empowerment, autonomy and the conditions for conducting internal training classes. And more dissatisfied with the progression by empowerment, the distances for the qualification and the external training classes. Meanwhile, the access to the promotion was considered indifferent.