dc.contributorMarquezan, Lorena Ines Peterini
dc.creatorBastos, Marelisa Giordani
dc.description.abstractThis article approaches the relevance of religious studies subject in basic education and its contributions to develop a culture of peace on children and teenagers’ lives. It has as general goal to reflect about the importance of this subject, based on religion science and taught by a professional with specific graduation in religious studies. As specific goal, revisit the violence minimization, included in Common Curricular National Basis (BNCC), where it proposes as one of school’s responsibilities, the student preparation to develop human values as the empathy, the dialog, the respect, the pacific solution to conflicts and others. It is in this acknowledgement that the research problem arises: What is the relevance of religious studies teaching in the person’s development as mitigating vehicle for religious intolerance? To answer that, articles, dissertations, personal experiences and my own path as a teacher in this area were searched. To the investigative process, a qualitative research (Haguete, 2010) was chosen, also the formation-research according to Josso (2010). It was concluded that religious studies in the student’s personal lives contributes to a culture of peace development and the world’s view transformation. Working on behalf of student’s learning, the values for life, to respect the different beliefs manifestations and daily life, developing the autonomy to make decisions related to ethics and moral, propitiating the students to comprehend themselves, the other and the world for a culture of peace, tolerance and solidarity.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectEnsino religioso
dc.subjectCultura da paz
dc.subjectIntolerância religiosa
dc.subjectReligious studies
dc.subjectCulture of peace
dc.subjectReligious intolerance
dc.titleA disciplina de ensino religioso como veículo atenuante da intolerância religiosa
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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