Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Percepções ambientais na microbacia do Rio Vacacaí Mirim no entorno da barragem do D.N.O.S. Santa Maria, RS
Guerra, Cleantonio Pierezan
Water is essential for the life of planet, it is a basic product to most economics activities. Water is presented in nature in quantities that can change in time and space, it is extremely vulnerable to qualitative degradation. At the global level, water is scarce, a fact that is also taking place in Rio Grande do Sul, in some places it achieves a critical situation. This research has the aims to make a verification about the people´s local situation in watershed that embraces D.N.O.S.; Realize which environment impacts were caused by men in hydrographic watershed; Evaluate the impacts that were a result of anthropic actions registred in this area; Elaborate compensatory measures proposals for the evaluated impacts through The Educational Environment Hornbook and through some interviews. The watershed studied is located among the geographic coordinates 53° 46’ 30” a 53° 49’ 29” west longitude and 29º 36 '55 "to 29 39' 50" south latitude, covering a total area of 3061.61 hectares. Some data were obtained on the website of IBGE - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data were collected in the field with GPS, using digital camera and analog form, interview with the local population and also the City of Santa Maria / RS. It was also distributed leaflets in the local population. These data were processed digitally, tabulated, made tables, graphs to be confronted with existing data in previous monographs and dissertations. Thus, this study contributes for the use of land planning and proposes the most appropriate use of water DNOS dam, proper garbage disposal and sewage, showing it to the local population through information contained in a primer Environmental education. It was noticed when analyzing the data that there were changes in water D.N.O.S, as well as the occupation of dam surroundings.