Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Sentidos de intensificação do trabalho pedagógico e gestão educacional: compreensões a partir de uma análise das transformações no capitalismo
Eichner, Ânthony Scapin
This final paper, developed in the context of Kairós - Group of Studies and Research on Research Group on Work, Education, and Public Policies, aims to understand the relationship between the intensification of pedagogical work and the transformations in educational management resulting from productive restructuring. The problem that gave rise to the research was: based on the study of the academic production of the ANPEd meetings from 2001 on, what relationships can be established between the current manifestation of the intensification of pedagogical work and the transformations that productive restructuring has generated in educational management of Basic Education? In order to answer this question, we analyzed the papers presented and published, starting in 2001, in the annals of the GT 09 - Work and Education of the ANPEd National Meeting, specifically in eight publications from six editions of the event. The study was based on the Analysis of the Movement of Meanings as a theoretical and methodological foundation. It also relied on bibliographic research, which contributed to the understanding of the data. Authors such as Marx (2017), Harvey (2008a; 2008b), Meszáros (2008), Antunes (2009) Hypolito (2011), Garcia and Anadon (2009), Oliveira (2006), among others, help to understand the intensification of pedagogical work resulted from a context related to the current stage of capitalism. Productive restructuring had an impact on educational management, which, in turn, had repercussions on the intensification of pedagogical work, based today on the diversity of functions, polyvalence, and constant involvement with work activities, since they are not limited to the school, according to the data produced by the research. The forms of manifestation of the intensification of pedagogical work are consequences of changes in educational management, which establish greater performance and accountability of teachers in the performance of their pedagogical work.