Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Algodão orgânico como referencial para estamparia têxtil em ecobags
Kussler, Mariana Raquel
The main purpose of this study is to develop a collection of prints based on the plant Gossypium vitifolium L., popularly known as herbaceous cotton, and apply them in reusable fabric bags, also called ecobags. The methodology used to achieve this objective consists of the following steps: research and testing of three small-scale printing techniques: Silk Screen, Sublimation and Direct to Garment Printing (DTG) to define which method has the least environmental impact on the application; research and testing of textile supports where techniques can be applied to define the fabric that should be used in the manufacture of final products with the aim of generating the least possible environmental impact; study and analysis of the life cycle of cotton, its environment, pests, and botanical elements for the development of visual elements to be used in the generation of prints; research and application of the main fundametals of surface design to develop harmonically and chromatically pleasing prints; making a collection of six ecobags from the solutions achieved with the research. The methodology used is based on the design methodology of Löbach (2001), and also uses methodological suggestions from Bürdeck (2000) and Baxter (2006) to cover all aspects of design. As a result, it is expected to stimulate debate on the environmental impact of surface design, as well as discussions about printing methods and textile supports that cause less damage and generate less waste throughout the product life cycle, from fabrication to disposal. It is also expected to contribute both to the academic community and to the society looking for environmentally friendly products.