Dinâmica do perfilhamento de azevém sob diferentes métodos de pastejo
Dotto, Lisiani Rorato
The ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), is among the winter forage grasses the most
cultivated species in Rio Grande do Sul, for being a source of preferential resources, such as a
natural maintenance facility, resistance to a high potential of seed production and versatility in
intercrops. Knowledge of the factors that affect pasture productivity is essential to make the
production system viable. The adoption of ryegrass management strategies is of great
importance to maximize plant and animal production and among these strategies the grazing
methods stand out. The longevity of the tiller population in grass canopies depends on the
efficient replenishment of tillers, which is affected by their appearance and death. Unbalance
between them in poorly managed canopies can result in a process of grass degradation. The
objective of this work to evaluate the effect of grazing methods on the tiller dynamics Italian
ryegrass during grazing cycles. The experimental design was a complete randomized
complete block, with repeated measurements over time two treatments (grazing methods) and
three area replicates. The morphogenetic and structural variables were not altered by grazing
methods and showed differences during grazing cycles. The variables appearance rate,
survival rate, stability index the tiller population and site occupation suffered no differences
between grazing methods, but varied between generations of tillers. The continuous grazing
method favored the highest population density of tillers. The change in the plant's
phenological stages interferes with the tillering dynamics, regardless of the grazing method.
The population of tillers is kept stable, regardless of the grazing method used.