Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Computação de caminhos enganosos considerando características topográficas do terreno e redes neurais profundas
Schlsener, Ricardo Kunde
There’s a variety of real life applications for algorithms with deceptive characteristics, and it’s
an area in Artificial Inteligence with a lot still left to be explored, specially in the context of
pathfinding algorithms. Most studies in the literature about deceptive pathfinding are applied in
two-dimensional spaces, and there’s little to no studies about the application of machine learning
in this context. This work aims to investigate deceptive pathfinding algorithms and apply
them in terrains with topographic characteristics, analysing the impact of explicitly considering
these characteristics. This work also seeks to explore the application of deep neural networks
as a way to optimize the computation of these paths. Afterwards, a statistical analysis of the
results is made to determine the impact that these techniques have in the final path and in their
processing time.