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Ultrassonografia abdominal na detecção de hidropsia associada à mumificação fetal em cadela da raça Pug – relato de caso
Naidon, Franciele Medianeira
Ultrasonography is the most reliable imaging technique for gestational assessment, promoting early and non-invasive detection of possible gestational or fetal abnormalities. On ultrasonographic examination, anasarca is characterized by an increase in the fetal subcutaneous tissue thickness, which is represented by an anechoic halo between the skin and the musculature, in addition to collections of anechoic content in the thoracic and abdominal cavity. The mummified fetus is visualized as an ovoid mass of heterogeneous echogenicity and reduced volume due to the abnormal posture that it assumes. The present report describes the case of a 1-year-old Pug dog that, at the first ultrasound examination, had 5 embryonic vesicles within normal limits. However, on ultrasonographic examination performed 20 days after, four fetuses were mummified and one fetus had evident heartbeat, but with anechoic content in the chest (pleural effusion) and abdomen (peritoneal effusion), in addition to generalized subcutaneous edema. Necropsy findings of the fetuses were compatible with the ultrasound findings, demonstrating the ability of ultrasonography in the detection of fetal abnormalities and emphasizing the importance of this examination in the routine prenatal evaluation, as it contributes to the early detection of fetal anomalies.