Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Acesso ao Hospital Público Regional de Palmeira das Missões: análise dos impactos e medidas de controle dos sistemas viários e de transporte
Massariol, Gabriel de Carvalho
Hospitals are considered Traffic Generator Poles, as they attract a large number of trips and, together with that, they also modify the use and occupation of the land in the surrounding region. Consequently, creating a significant impact on road and transport systems, both in the area of influence and, sometimes, in the city as a whole. Therefore, the implementation of this type of edification, requires a well-prepared urban planning, in order to avoid possible negative impacts. Through this context, the present analysis seeks to list and evaluate the possible road and transport impacts that the Regional Public Hospital, still under construction in the city of Palmeira das Missões, will cause. Using as a basis the Technical Bulletin 32 of CET-SP (1983). Bringing then, a planning of road circulation for the influence region of micro and mesoscale, using as reference the concepts of accessibility, road safety and sustainable urban mobility. Seeking to encourage the use of active transport, such as walking and cycling, through the improvement of public sidewalks and the insertion of cycle paths and cycle lanes. Along with encouraging the use of public transport and discouraging individual motorized transport, especially at high speeds within the urban environment. Aiming to improve the quality of life and security of all users.