Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Um sistema web de informações georreferenciadas para análise de redes de distribuição de energia elétrica
Zorrilla, Pedro Bastos
Electricity is one of the most important forms of energy to society and economic
development. with demand for energy growing increasingly, distribution networks are
more and more important to the electrical system and play a key role in improving power
quality. They will experience intense modernization over the coming years, especially
with the emergence of the Smart Grid initiatives. In this context, computer and communication
systems will play a vital role in improving the quality of distributed energy. It
is against this background this paper presents the steps for developing a Web Geographic
Information System (WebGIS), in order to provide analysis of medium voltage feeders
on electricity distribution networks. A class infrastructure has been proposed to make
adding new algorithms for power analysis faster and more practical. It has also been used
the three-tier software architecture allied to technologies in order to make the system flexible,
scalable and independent of specific operating systems, as well as being only needed
a computer (even tablets or smartphones) with a web browser installed in order use the
software. The software interface is based on the maps technology provided by Google
Maps API, displaying the feeder’s interface in a georeferenced way. As the results, this
work presented the software developed, demonstrating screens and other interfaces with
the end user, startarting with the configuration of which electrical equipment are going
to be displayed in the georeferenced interface, untill the execution of power systems’s
analysis algorithms.