O assentamento funcional digital: elaboração de um instrumento de padronização de procedimentos para a Pró-Reitoria de Gestão de Pessoas da UFSM
Bortoluzzi, Rosana
This research contributes in order that the documentary records of the functional
trajectory of each federal public worker are accessible in a standardized way to users of the
Digital Functional Settlement (AFD) and preserved as a source for research, for guaranteeing
rights and as part of institutional memory through work relationships. It also contributes to
enrich the literature, by serving as a basis for other studies on AFD. The research aimed to
create an instrument for the standardization of procedures for the execution of digitization and
registration of documents of the management processes that compose the AFD for the Unified
Legal Regime (RJU) within the scope of the Dean of Graduate of People Management
(PROGEP) of the Federal University de Santa Maria (UFSM), delimiting to the files from the
physical functional folders and contained in version 14 of the Table of Functional Documents
(TDF). Concerning the methodology, it is an applied research with a qualitative approach and
as the technical procedures it is a case study. Data collection occurred through direct
observation, documentary and bibliographic research, as well as interviews with PROGEP/
UFSM workers. The results of the trajectory records of the implementation of AFD at the
Institution show that UFSM has been engaged with AFD since its creation in 2011 and since
then it has been working to comply with regulations and qualify services towards AFD.
Furthermore, we have noticed the relevance of observing the recommendations of the
National Archives and the Ministry of Economy (ME) in the digitization and
operationalization of the equipment, as well as the definition of the step for digital capture in
order to contextualize the AFD in the documents flow. The need to standardize metadata
records for inclusion of documents in the system was verified as a way to improve document
management and facilitate the work of people management. As a final product, the AFD
Manual for PROGEP/UFSM management processes was created, which, after being validated
through SCALE Model (Support, Credibility, Accuracy, Legitimacy, Structure), demonstrated
to guide PROGEP servers in the execution of digitization activities, metadata registration and
inclusion of documents in SIGEPE-AFD in a standardized manner and in line with the ME
norms and archival legislation, thus achieving the research objectives. We conclude that
technology is constantly revolutionizing the way of transmitting information and documents,
and AFD is inserted in this context as a tool that facilitates people management in Brazil
through agility in accessing documents, justifying the need for standardization procedures
towards it.