Sistemas magnéticos com interações competitivas: uma abordagem de campo médio com clusters
Frantz, Gustavo Luis Kohlrausch
We study a model of localized spins which can assume three different states, S = 0 and
1, with two competing interactions: a antiferromagnetic first neighbour interaction (JA)
and a three body interaction between third neighbours (JB), occurring only when there is
a site in with S = 0 between the interacting states. We also consider a crystal field (D),
which favors the states S = 0 when D < 0 and S = 1 when D > 0. We treated this
model in a cluster mean-field approximation, which reduces a many-body problem to a
effective single cluster one. In which, through Bogoliubov’s inequality, we use a variational
principle to obtain an approximation to the free energy. Analyzing the behavior of
the free energy and the order parameters, we can mark and characterize the phase transitions,
allowing us to construct phase diagrams of the temperature by the third neighnour
interaction and by the crystal field for different cluster sizes. From the analysis of the
T=jJAj JB=jJAj phase diagram, we found that the competition between the first and
third neighbor interaction is maximum at JB=jJAj = �����2, where the antiferromagnetic and
super antiferromagnetic phases coexist at T = 0. Furthermore, our studies, through the
analysis of the T=jJAj D=jJAj phase diagrams, demonstrate that incorporating clusters
in the approach leads to a significant improvement in the obtained results when compared
to the usual mean-field approach. Our cluster results also show the emergence of a
new type of order in the system, called cluster antiferromagnetic, characterized by nonzero
magnetizations in a square plaquette. In our analysis we shown that this order is
a mixture of different microscopic states with non magnetic sites, which can difficult its
characterization in Monte Carlo simulations. Another aspects in which the cluster approach
improves the results is in the characterization of the phase transitions between the
antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases. In particular, we hope that our investigation
will motivate further studies of this model, considering different analytical and numerical