dc.creatorMendoza Cortez,Juan W
dc.creatorCecílio Filho,Arthur B
dc.creatorCoutinho,Edson L
dc.descriptionThis work was carried out in Jaboticabal (575 m altitude, 21°15΄ 22˝ S and 48° 15΄ 58˝ W), São Paulo, Brazil, aiming to investigate the effects of cattle manure and nitrogen (urea) doses on radish height and yield. Randomized blocks were used with a 2x4x4 factorial scheme and 3 replications. The treatments were combinations of cultivars (25 and 19), cattle manure doses (0, 25, 50, and 75 t ha-1 dry basis) and N doses (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1). Increased cattle manure and urea doses provided higher plant height and commercial yield in both cultivars, but the N produced more signifcant effects than the cattle manure. The maximum commercial yield of cultivar (cv) 19 (20.34 t ha-1) was obtained using 75 t ha-1 of cattle manure and 139 kg ha-1 of N, whereas that of cv 25 (11.90 t ha-1) occurred with 75 t ha-1 of cattle manure and 180 kg ha-1 of N. The maximum economic effciency doses for cv. 25 were 65.1 t ha-1 and 180 kg ha-1 of cattle manure and N, respectively, whereas those for cv 19 were 63.6 t ha-1 and 144.7 kg ha-1 of cattle manure and N, respectively.
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal
dc.sourceCiencia e investigación agraria v.37 n.1 2010
dc.subjectRaphanus sativus
dc.titleCattle manure and N-urea in radish crop (Raphanus sativus)
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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