Construindo mundos sem muros: uma competência crítica em informação sob pressupostos decoloniais e anticoloniais
2022-07-26Registro en:
GOMES, Marcus Victor Siqueira Josuá. Construindo mundos sem muros: uma competência crítica em
informação sob pressupostos decoloniais e anticoloniais. 2022. 100f. Monografia (Graduação em Biblioteconomia) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Gomes, Marcus Victor Siqueira Josuá
We will initially deal with information competence, its history and its concept, which dialogues with discussions regarding Information Competence (IL), thus, we will seek to conflict the concept of information competence with a more current concept of competence, which is the “critical competence in information” – CCI, which is supported by liberating pedagogies and other issues – ethnic, gender and sexuality, for example, as they make it possible to develop a reflective informational praxis. The ICC, with a more radical content, is based on critical praxis and pedagogies, focusing on the relationship between information and the social problems that exist in the world. Even so, we will remain “dissatisfied” with this concept and as a way of subsidizing even more radically the already radicalized criticality of critical competence in information, we will bring to the light of the debate epistemologies arising from decoloniality (Quijano, Dussel and Fanon) and anticoloniality (represented by the Zapatismo, Comunidad de Historia Mapuche, among others), as a way of fighting colonialism and capitalism still in vogue in Latin America, that is, promoting a critique, from the Latin American reality, about the CCI. Therefore, this theoretical research of a bibliographic nature opens the way for other epistemologies and reflections for Librarianship and Information Science, while we will discuss critical competence in information with a view to problematizing this concept. Finally, we will point out paths to be followed, such as a praxis of liberation contained in Dussel (1977), anti-racist and self-defense present in Fanon (2008), anti-colonial/ethnic (defense of Amerindian peoples and their territories) and critical reflection on instances of dominion and power, such as the nation-state, provided by the natives' relationship with the territory and their self-criticism – signaled by anti-colonial thinkers. Such questions of coloniality can be perceived by the concept of “coloniality of power” brought by Quijano (2009), as they will be directed in relation to a praxis of the informational subject in the face of capitalist and colonial reality and the anti-colonial and decolonial ICC as an alternative to this inevitable situation.